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Woman-Owned Company
Next Conference Call-5/22
Debrief the Buffalo Visit
Committee Assignments
Send your contact info to:
The call is open for all who want to join a committee.
Call in #: 712.432-0400
Access #: 750807
The day for our 50th Reunion is coming up fast and we have many key activities planned for May. Principal King has given our concept his full endorsement and approved our use of the East High name for the branding of all activities. The primary condition for his endorsement is our commitment of all current and future profits going to support the school.
On that weekend we will launch the "East High School Alumni Association" and feature the biggest "All High" Old School Jam ever held in Buffalo. If you graduated from "any" high school in Buffalo you will not want to miss this inaugural Saturday night event. Our friendships expanded beyond the walls of EHS and we want to connect to the extended High school family. The planning committee is working hard to make this a special weekend as we all transition from reunions to an Alumni association.
The class of 1967 will be celebrating its 50th anniversary and if you think about it 49 other classes could be having some type of reunion. We must come together and provide the financial, leadership, industry expertise, mentoring and spiritual guidance that we prepare the students to be full participants in the global knowledge economy.
The fragmented approach used in the past to reunite with your class mates will be replace by the Alumni Association model you see at most colleges. I have met with Principal Darryl King and the superintendent of the district, Dr. Kriner Cash, and they all support the idea. Many classes are all currently on board with others joining as they are exposed to the concep. Talk to your class officers and climb on board. This united association will be able to better support the efforts of the school.
Our signature event will be the annual "All High Old School Reunion" Party.
All the best,
David E. Garnett
President EHS Class of 67'
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